(Amended 24/11/2022) Submissions for the Postgraduate Student Award has been extended to no later than midnight (UK time) on 31 January 2023

The International Masonry Society invites submissions of work in which the principal focus of the work is masonry.  The award, which is for postgraduate students, is described below.

The Postgraduate Student Award would be for a project comprising a MSc dissertation or an equivalent portion of a PhD study or an equivalent piece of work (which could include a design study) involving masonry.  Exceptional work submitted for this award may additionally be considered for the Arnold Hendry Postgraduate Prize.

Each award will consist of a premium of £150, an International Masonry Society Certificate, and membership of the International Masonry Society for the calendar year following the year of the award.

In exceptional circumstances, more than one award may be made at the discretion of the judges who will also determine the nature of the award.

Updated details:  IMS_PGAwards2022_2 (opens in a new tab)