Architectural Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds, UK
School of Engineering, Design & Technology, University of Bradford, UK
Garrad Hassan and Partners Ltd, Bristol, UK

This paper describes the laboratory testing of eight 2.95m span segmental profile clay brick arches. Seven of the arches were strengthened with longitudinal intrados (soffit) reinforcement; the eighth was left unreinforced as an experimental control. Three of the arches also contained reinforcement to resist inter-ring shear. The barrel of each arch consisted of 3 rings of brickwork laid in stretcher bond; the compressive strength of the mortar used in the arch construction varied from 1.7 to 6.2 MPa. In each case a full width line load was applied incrementally to the arch extrados at quarter span until collapse occurred. Surface crack development and the vertical deflection profile of each arch were recorded at each load increment. In all cases, the longitudinal reinforcement was found to delay the onset of cracking and to increase the load carrying capacity. As expected, premature failure by ring separation was found to occur in the arches constructed with the weakest mortar without inter-ring reinforcement. Radial dowels were found to be the most effective means of preventing ring separation. The effect of the longitudinal reinforcement was found to be greatest in the arches where measures were taken to prevent ring separation

Key words
Keywords: Arches, bridges, reinforcement, repair, strengthening, testing