TAMU, Construction Science Department
The University of Newcastle, The Center for Infrastructure Performance and Reliability

This project focuses on the evolution of the mechanical damage properties for un-reinforced masonry panels, which are subjected to dynamic in-plane shear. The results from the panels show the degradation of the effective stiffness with loading over time. These results also show that theevolution of the effective stiffness, for these test conditions, is slow enough to allow for significant data gathering. This evolution appears to be a function of the loading conditions, and level of pre-existing damage, at a particular time-step. A statistical determination of the evolution of the damage parameter for a ceramic material requires firstly, the development of a repeatable time varying load pattern. Secondly, the pattern should resemble the essential characteristics of relevant earthquake loading on realistic masonry buildings, preferably from earthquakes recorded in both interplate and intraplate regions. This paper sets out the development of the analytical criteria for a dynamic loading pattern for masonry that meets the stated criteria, and outlines some of the initial test results.

Key words
Dynamic Test, Loading patterns, Damage