J H Greenwald(1), D W Graber(2), and M S BRADFIELD(3)
(1) PE, National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association
(2) PE, National Concrete Masonry Association
(3) PE, Bradfield Consulting

Grouting is a labour-intensive and time consuming portion of reinforced masonry construction. The International Building Code requires consolidation and reconsolidation of each grout lift, and removal of significant mortar protrusions in cells to be grouted. A number of projects using self-consolidating grout (SCG) have used a grout demonstration panel to show that a quality end product is obtained without consolidation and reconsolidation. SCG is a highly fluid and stable grout mix, significantly different from conventional grout, that is easy to place because of its fluidity. This research was conducted to document the behaviour and performance of self-consolidating grout in 12.67ft (3.86m) wall assemblies through visual assessment and physical evaluation. Specifically, the research focused on quantifying the performance relative to conventional grouted masonry by evaluating: compressive strength; flow characteristics around mortar fins and reinforcement; and the effects of mechanical consolidation. Three types of grout were investigated: conventional coarse grout; self-consolidating coarse grout; and self-consolidating fine grout.