1) PhD in Architecture, IPHAN RJ and CAUVR UGB,


This work utilises a survey on brick production methods prevailing in the South region of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, through the 19thh century (C19). The study’s main goal consists in identifying production patterns carried out in this region, pinpointing possible technological advances. In order to accomplish this, procedures were researched in Europe from craft production to industrialization, from C16 to C19. This study highlighted, particularly, the process, from clay recognition to the preparation of its paste, encompassing the mould forms and varied dimensions, from the ceramic elements drying to its firing/baking. It covers, from the soaking pit to the more sophisticated kilns developed throughout C19. This stud’sy results were the identification of the fabrication methods and procedures adopted in brick factories within the State of Rio de Janeiro. The conclusion was the links to the European techniques.


Keywords: Brick factory, coffee farms, Rio de Janeiro, C19.