G.C. MANOS, B. YASIN, M. TRIAMATAK1 and M. DEMOSTHENOUS. Aristotle University, Thessaloniki

This paper first examines the laboratory simulation of the cyclic response of masonry infilled reinforced concrete frames by small scale models. The effectiveness of the simulation is judged by comparing the response measured during the experimental sequence of the 1/9 scaled models with the corresponding response of similar specimens, called target specimens, which were 3 times larger and were constructed with prototype materials and tested in a similar manner. From the comparison of the results between the 1/9 scaled models and the target specimens it can be concluded that this first attempted simulation was satisfactory. Next, the influences arising from masonry infills on the seismic response of reinforced concrete (R.C.) structures are examined through an experimental test sequence with a two-storey R.C. scaled model with masonry infills subjected to a variety of base excitations on an Earthquake Simulator. Finally, the numerical simulation of the observed behaviour during these tests is examined by modelling the masonry infills with 3-D “panel elements”. From the correlation of the numerical and experimental results it can be concluded that the 3-D “panel elements” could reasonably approximate the measured seismic response provided that the properties of these “panel elements” are realistically estimated, as was done in this case in the laboratory, but need also to be available for prototype structures.