MARK F. WILLIAMS AND BARBARA LAMP WILLIAMS Williams Building Diagnostics, Maple Glen, PA

Exterior masonry veneer cavity walls over metal stud/sheathing backup rely on an internal system of flashings and weep holes for drainage of the cavity and wall ties to transmit lateral loads. As-built conditions can often impose severe limitations on exterior wall performance in the areas of moisture protection, structural integrity, and material durability. A case study building with curved masonry veneer walls of split-face concrete brick returned into vertical sections of a curtain wall cladding is discussed to illustrate typical defects and their repair. The design and construction is described and pertinent performance issues discussed. Various options for repair are then presented along with life cycle cost data. The option selected and implemented included stiffening the outer veneer wall and improving the lateral attachment. In addition, extensive crack repair, mortar repointing, and sealant work were performed, followed by application of an elastomeric waterproofing coating on all masonry surfaces.