Update from the Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Association (EAACA)

New Board Members

The European Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Association (EAACA) elected a new president as its 57th general meeting. Outgoing president Jos Cox has long been the face of this Association, having held the position for the past 18 years. During his tenure, he placed special emphasis on the continuing successful development of the industry in Europe.

The EAACA represents over 100 production sites producing more than 16 million cubic meters of AAC a year. Founded in 1988, the Association’s main role was to navigate the pan-European industry through the challenging times that lay ahead.

Jos Cox has been instrumental in championing autoclaved aerated concrete as a pioneering construction material for new buildings and renovation, even under changing circumstances. As honorary president of the Association, Jos Cox will continue to steer it on this successful course.

The new president of EAACA is CEO of Xella Polska Robert Turski. He will form the new board together with General Secretary (Torsten Schoch, Xella) and Vice-President (Cliff Fudge, H+H and Past IMS President).

The biggest challenges facing the Association in the years ahead are the structural tasks associated with decarbonization and urban transformation. The AAC manufacturers intend to respond to these changes with innovative ideas and products developments to ensure that the industry is ready for 2050.

Campaign website „Urban Transformation“

EAACA has launched a new website around their campaign ‘Urban Transformation’. The Urban Transformation Campaign is EAACA’s commitment to transforming urban spaces by tackling key challenges, such as climate change, progressive urbanisation, low quality post-war housing, ageing societies, environmental degradation and digitalisation.

The aims of this campaign are:

  1. Building a communications platform to speak about EU policy in relation to the construction sector.
  2. Tell a story about the construction sector that implicitly inserts AAC as a preferred product in EU debates around:
  3. a) Strengthening sustainability in the construction sector.
  4. c) Reducing the carbon footprint of Europe’s building stock.
  5. c) Ensuring the competitiveness of Europe’s construction sector.
  6. d) Increasing the connectivity as part of a ‘smarter’ built environment.
  7. Engage with other stakeholders to amplify policy asks

The complete Manifesto Urban Transformation Campaign of EAACA can be downloaded from the EAACA website (www.eaaca.org)