C.A. FUDGE1 and D. LOWTHER2H+H Celcon Limited1 and Bovis Homes plc, UK2

This paper describes the investigation and building of a demonstration house constructed using aircrete (autoclaved aerated concrete) units. This low energy house incorporates a number of different wall constructions, both solid and cavity, using aircrete blocks in combination with elements of reinforced aircrete floors and roof. Internal walls and steps for stairs are also of aircrete construction. The aim of the project was to construct a low energy, airtight building showing the potential for use of various forms of masonry, whilst using techniques to speed erection time. As such, thin-joint mortar techniques were used to achieve a fast build time and factory manufactured floors and roof elements used to enable as much off site fabrication as possible. Other innovations for the external masonry are described in the paper. This project was undertaken as a part sponsored UK Government backed research scheme.