
Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland


Paper discusses problems relating to the technical condition of historic masonry brick vaults. Strengthening and repairing masonry brick vaults is a difficult task, usually requiring a different approach in each case. Different methods of strengthening such brickwork structures, with reinforcement placed on the extrados considering that there are usually frescos and other decorations on the intrados, are described. For this reason, further researches, particularly the ones conducted on models on a technical scale and using innovative technologies, are eagerly anticipated. Such researches have been undertaken in the Institute of Building Engineering at Wroclaw University of Technology. Moreover, the effectiveness of the different reinforcements used (C-FRCM nets, CFRPstrips, steel bars) is assessed.

Key words
conservation, masonry vaults, strengthening, composites, CFRP, C-FRCM