
ARNALDO DA SILVA RAMOS, Civil Eng., MSc. in Civil Engineering – UFSC; DEBORA DE GOIS SANTOS, Doctor postgraduate student in Production Engineering – UFSC;
TATIANA GONDIM DO AMARAL, Doctor postgraduate student of the Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering, PPGEC/UFSC;
and HUMBERTO RAMOS ROMAN, Professor Assistant of the Federal University of Santa Catarina; Ph.D.; Researcher of NPC.


This paper presents the discussions and results of research carried out at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in Brazil, Masonry productivity in the construction process is analysed. It has a major influence on the final product in structural, architectural and management matters. Thus, the influence of (he modular system adopted, as a factor in the productivity of labour in construction, was investigated and evaluated.
The 300mm and 400mm modular units were analysed for their use and availability in the market studied. The factors considered were the productivity of the workers involved, the details of the building concerned, the workers’ training, the site layout, the module used and the masonry density.
Eight buildings were included in the research, four using each of the two modular systems studied, during the period from January 1995 to September 2000. It was shown that the 300mm modular system gave better productivity than the 400mm system.