R.V. JANUZZI(1), L. C. B. COSTA(2), R.A.F. PEIXOTO(3) and A.A. CURY(4)
(1) Researcher Grupo Reciclos, Department of Civil Engineer, Universidade do Federal de Ouro Preto,
Ouro Preto, Brazil rafael.vitaljanuzzi@gmail.com
(2) Researcher Grupo Reciclos, Department of Civil Engineer, Universidade do Federal de Ouro Preto,
Ouro Preto, Brazil lais.cristina.costa@gmail.com
(3) Professor, Department of Civil Engineer, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto, Brazil
(4) Professor, Department of Civil Engineer, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora, Brazil.

Nowadays, the construction industry has a great demand for new technologies and consumes a significant quantity of natural resources. Waste generation by diverse industry processes has instigated many research centers to look for new technological solutions to utilize waste in the construction field. Waste from the steel sector includes large volumes of steel slag, a residue characterized as a non-inert material with low reactivity. So far, in Brazil there do not exist processes to deal with this residue. There is potential to transform this residue into building materials for the construction sector. A good example is the manufacturing of concrete blocks which would utilize the waste from steel production in providing a sustainable structural masonry block. These sustainable masonry units utilize the waste slag from the steel processes to replace some of the natural aggregate required and are named Steel Slag Blocks (SLB) in this report. This study proposes to expand the usages of slag block in freestanding masonry. The main objective is the mechanical evaluation of prisms composed of two blocks of SLB.

KEYWORDS: Steel slag, Structural Masonry, Concrete block, Two block prisms, Steel Slag Prisms, Steel Slag Mortar, Numerical Modeling