C. Amigoni1 and L Cantini2
1)  Professional Engineer – Studio di Ingegneria Amigoni; INDACO srl – Indagini diagnostiche
applicate al costruito, corso Dante 15, Calolziocorte (LC)
and Contract Professor, Politecnico di Milano, Dept. DICA – Civil and Environmental Engineering
e-mail: c.amigoni@studioamigoni.com; christian.amigoni@polimi.it
2)  Contract Professor, Politecnico di Milano, Dept. ABC – Architecture, Built environment, Construction
piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano (Italy)
e-mail: lorenzo.cantini@polimi.it

Keywords: Seismic risk analysis; Masonry quality; Direct sonic tests; Flat jack tests; Amatrice earthquake.

Abstract. The post-earthquake damages observed on the built heritage of Lazio, Marche and Abruzzo, after the 2016 seismic event, require serious evaluation work from structural engineering point of view. Common historical buildings present different masonry typologies and damages that require specific interpretations for defining the state of conservation of the structures and to ensure the building safety level.
According to Italian standards [1] [2], numerical models can provide important supports for the building risk assessment and the development of additional refined procedures has shown that calculation models are now able to adapt their analysis to non-homogeneous structural elements, if information about their mechanical properties are available.
The difficult task of the damage evaluation that follows seismic disasters is here studied through investigation tests on several masonry buildings used as domestic houses in the central Italy area recently struk by 6.0 (Amatrice) and 6.5 (Norcia) magnitude earthquakes. In the difficult choice for the proper intervention for damaged masonry buildings, the use of a selected set of diagnostic techniques was carried out for implementing the numerical calculations of the masonry properties under seismic actions. Following the long preventive tradition and a shared study methodology for historical buildings [3] [4], the authors tried to interface this with the seismic risk assessment.