1) Goñi, R. University of Navarra. 310080 Pamplona. Spain. Department of Structural Analysis and Design. rgonil@unav.es

2) de Arteaga, I. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Facultad de Ingeniería, Escuela de Ingeniería Mecánica, Quilpué, Chile. ignacio.dearteaga@ucv.cl

3) Morer, P. TECNUN-University of Navarra, San Sebastian, Spain. Department of Mechanical Engineering. pmorer@tecnun.es


Finite element programs are useful for the analysis of elasto-plastic behavior of different structural elements. However, their use is complex and fixing the appropriate parameters to accurately simulate the problem is often difficult.

This paper presents a model and a quasi-static dynamic analysis of a nine-voussoirs arch, modeling each voussoir and its contacts with the commercial finite element program ABAQUS. An analysis of the comparison of the results with ones provided by the 2D structural analysis software LimitState Ring 3.0 is also shown. The authors present an automatic methodology to generate micro-models of arches in ABAQUS.


Keywords: FEM, ABAQUS, quasi-static analysis, limit analysis, masonry arch, micro-model