1 Associate professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran 1458889694, Iran,

2 M.Sc. Graduate, Department of Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran 1458889694, Iran,

3 PhD. Candidate, Department of Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran 1458889694, Iran,


Masonry buildings are one of the most vulnerable structures against earthquakes, and therefore their seismic response should be evaluated to mitigate casualties in the future. Although there are numerous studies on these buildings, few have aimed on Confined Masonry (CM) buildings to predict their seismic performance. To assess vulnerability, fragility curves can be utilized as powerful tools.

In this paper, the hysteretic behaviour of CM walls has been simulated in In-plane loading direction making use of OPENSEES software. The simple single-strut (compression-only) element has been considered to represent the masonry wall. Thirty earthquake records have been used for nonlinear dynamic analysis by considering Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) effects. The results show the damage probability for various earthquakes intensities. The correlation between 24 ground motion parameters and Park-Ang damage index demonstrates that EPA has strong correlation for masonry walls. Also, considering SSI effect increases the probable damage especially in walls with opening.


Keywords: Confined masonry buildings, Vulnerability, Fragility curve, Soil-Structure interaction