1) PhD, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Praia Vermelha Campus, marisahoirisch@globo.com


This paper surveys stone & brick masonry walls of some distinguished buildings in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, C19. It discloses the way local engineers utilized technical knowledge dispensed by Europeans scholars, found in construction technical manuals. The study of building these elements, made out of stone, brick or both, ensures the historical record of the way of building in the transition from Portuguese Reign to Imperial Brazil. Besides, it warrants the right conservation manner of historical masonry walls, preserving its constructive techniques for future generations. The materials employed have brought about new procedures, based on stone resources in Brazilian territory and the use of fired bricks. This article showcases experiences of wall execution and stone building, interconnected with brick arches, indicating the way technical problems had been solved or proposing solutions for sandy or permeable soils at Rio de Janeiro’s coast.


Keywords: Masonries, stone, brick, Rio de Janeiro, C19.