1) Architect. PhD student. Universidad Politècnica de Catalunya (Barcelona Tech). miguel.mira.diaz@estudiant.upc.edu

2) Architect. Department of Architectural Structures. Universidad Politècnica de Catalunya (Barcelona Tech)


Discontinuity, anisotropy and complex behaviour on damage are characteristics of masonry that demand a highly sophisticated vision for the development of analysis methods. Heterogeneity in masonry constructions, in which different materials and geometric organization coexist in the same structural element, increases even more the difficulties for modelling.

The debate focuses on two antithetical visions. MICROMODELS and HOMOGENIZED MODELS have reached a high theoretical level and both of them offer a wide number of advantages. It is outstanding that each of these visions has the advantages that the other lacks. This symmetry suggests the development of MULTI-SCALE strategies that permit the interaction between these two levels of observation.

This paper presents the analysis of a theoretical ancient masonry wall subject to differential settlements. The model is composed of two different kinds of masonry: an ashlar work defines the edges of the wall and its openings, while rubble masonry fills the frame of stone blocks.

The wall is studied using a homogenised model, where failure is simulated using the extended finite element method developed by a commercial code. The obtained crack paths are questioned in the case that ashlars were affected, and its propagation is corrected using a more detailed approach based in the description of units and joints.


Keywords: Non-linear analysis; Damage model; Multi-level approach; FE modelling; Masonry