Stylianos Kallioras1, Paolo Morandi2, Andrea Penna2, and Guido Magenes2
1) UME Graduate School, IUSS Pavia
Piazza della Vittoria 15, 27100 Pavia, Italy
2) Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture (DICAr), University of Pavia
Via Ferrata 3, 27100 Pavia, Italy

Keywords: 2012 Emilia earthquake, Fragility curves, Macroelements, Modern unreinforced
masonry buildings, Probabilistic analyses.

Abstract. The earthquake sequence of May 2012 in Emilia (Italy) affected a region where a considerable number of modern dwellings consists of low-rise unreinforced masonry buildings. Several post-earthquake surveys revealed that the overall seismic performance of these structures was rather good, while only limited number of buildings exhibited extensive damage mainly due to peculiar structural deficiencies. The study aims at investigating the seismic performance of three modern clay masonry constructions in the area hit by the 2012 earthquake sequence in a probabilistic framework. Numerical models of the selected case buildings were developed with the aid of an equivalent-frame modelling approach employing macroelements. Fragility functions for each building were later derived to describe system failure over a wide range of shaking, accounting for the uncertainty and the randomness involved in the evaluation of structural capacity and seismic demand.