
The Silesian University of Technology, Department of Building Structures, Faculty of Civil Engineering


This paper presents results of investigations of five series of horizontality sheared masonry walls (51 specimens). The specimens (dimensions l×h×t=1.68×1,42×0.25 m) used are reinforced with steel smooth bars and Murfor RND/Z/200 truss type reinforcement (reinforcement ratio 0,05% and 0,1%) horizontally sheared with additional compressive stresses 0÷1,5 MPa. The most important reinforcement influence (with reference to unreinforced walls) on cracking shear stress Tcr and
ultimate shear stress Tu is observed at compressive stress Sc = 0. Reinforcement influences in walls with bars reinforcement amounted 30%÷40% (Tcr) and 45% (Tu), however for walls with Murfor type reinforcement suitably 115%÷120% (Tcr), 100% (Tu) are amounted. The influence of reinforcement decreases with compressive stress increase. Results of these tests proofed that horizontal reinforcement decreases non-dilatational strain angles of masonry walls at the moment of the appearance of the first diagonal cracks and when horizontal shear capacity was reached. Reinforcement increased of shear modulus G of masonry, as well.